Youths that grow in the city cannot be compared with the ones that grew-up in the surburbs. True or False ? Bring a City Kid and one from the rural area, together in the same classroom, would there be a difference ? What would those differences be and what could be responsible for them ? 
IN TERMS OF BEING SAVVY - Are kids that reach adulthood in the surburbs more likely to be as savvy as the Cows that grow there ? Are kids that grow up in the City more likely to behave like robots ? What affects the savviness of a Child on the long run ? Which one is preferrable and why ?
IN TERMS OF EDUCATIONAL CAPABILITIES - If there be two Children with the same Educational qualification, Certification and Skill, which one would perform better on a Job ? The City Kid or the one that was brought up amidst Chickens and Cows ?
CIVIC RESPONSIBILITY - There is something called civic and responsibility which Kid would be more likely to  take responsibility more for others ? The City or Rural Kid ?
While we consider these three areas vital to Child development from Adolescence into Adulthood, what factors actually hold water in being responsible for obvious unique differences ?
More on this very blog as time continues , stay subscribed .


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